Friday, December 25, 2009

The informal magedy

I grow weary of trying to fall asleep between these digital sheets.

I want to live beside you without the smoke fire on my breath.

Without this heat of pain within my chest.

Upon the distant shores of wakefulness is where your beauty truly may rest.

If we are held so close and dear, why are these identities held so near?

Cleaned but still so dirty underneath.

If you come by me and you find I push you away for a moment, it is to pull closer this destiny of a truer understanding of us both.

Precious time

You will not have me, you will half me.

If I will not be broken, then am I left to just be humbled and scarred?

How can you ever know, if you don't ask?

Why should you care you say, I want everything my way.

I want to be the winner, and I don't care who loses.

I'll be the user who doesn't care who she abuses.

Thanks a lot, just letting you know we all appreciate it down here.